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Modmail Guide

In this guide you will learn how to use and operate Molten Support. Molten Support's prefix is . [period]

πŸ”‘ Key

[foo|bar] - Text separated in brackets means you can use either foo or bar to get the same command result

[arg=value] - An argument in brackets means this is an optional argument, if it's not provided a default value of 'value' will take it's place

<arg> - An argument in less and greater than signs means that this is a required argument, it must be provided or the command will fail

Modmail Commands​

.[reply|r] <message&gtReply to a modmail thread (this is an non anonymous reply)
.[anonreply|ar] <message&gtReply to a modmail thread (this is an anonymous reply)
.[close|c] [time] [message]Close a thread with an optional duration to wait to close the thread (timed close) - message will appear on the user's end. This can be 'Have a great day'
.[close|c] cancel [time] [message]Cancel a closeure of the thread
.[alert|notify] [member]Notify yourself or another member of the next thread messaged received
.move <name&gtMove a thread to a category by name
.contact [member]Contact a member

category_name can be a shorthand word of a category name.

For example, you can use .move moderation to move a thread to the moderation team.

Snippet Commands​

.snippetsView all the snippets or view one's content
.<snippet_name>Invoke a snippet by name
.snippet add <name> <value>(Management Only) Add a snippet
.snippet remove &lt;name&gt(Management Only) Remove/delete a snippet

Modmail Moderation Commands​

.[block] [member] [reason]This will block a user from being able to use the modmail
.[unblock] [member]This will unblock a user to being able to use the modmail again

Any other commands you may be confused with, check out The Modmail v3 post for more info!​

Modmail Rules​

1. When a thread is made, all online staff will get pinged. To claim a thread, use the .claim command, other staff should obey that you claimed the thread. If you’re inactive in a thread for a few hours when a user responds, they have the right to 'overclaim.'

2. There is such a thing as "over-claiming" where you claim a claimed thread. You can only overclaim if you are a management member and need your serious intervention, you were asked by the person who originally claimed the ticket to claim or if the person who claimed it isn't responding to your ping after 6 hours. Overclaim for no good reason will get you a strike or your modmail permissions revoked for a duration of time.

3. When handling a thread, remain professional at all times. Don't use shortened words such as "k" or "xD" or "lol". That doesn't look very professional. With this, capitalization and grammar must be used as well.

4. Stay respectful at all times. Everyone must be treated with respect regardless of their words. In this case, ping an online management member.

5. If someone reported a member, you aren't supposed to be sharing the actions. Use the proper snippets according to the situation. You may not tell a thread user any actions against anyone. If you do this, you may receive a staff strike or your modmail license will be revoked.

6. Move a thread to the correct team category with .move <team>. Please don't handle threads that aren't for your department.

Ready to handle threads?​

Message /form Modmail Test in the staff server, and you will receive a direct message from Server Manager if you passed or not!